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Current Discussion based on "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chapter 39- Balancing Your Life

Take care not to overemphasize the areas you are most comfortable in and as a result, neglect the areas you need to mature in. It will help keep things balanced if you join a small group for accountability, regularly evaluate your progress, record achievement in a journal and share what you learn with others.

Most of all, remember that it's all for the Glory of God! We live, we learn, we love, we share, we grow, we testify, we exemplify, we witness, we serve, we save, we give, we mature, and we do it all from our heart, for His Glory.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chpt. 38 - Becoming a World-Class Christian

The "Point to Ponder" at the end of this chapter is really a challenge to consider. It states this "The Great Commission is my commission." It's MY commission! We are all missionaries, commissioned by Jesus to share the good news of His salvation.

As PDL states so well, there is a BIG difference between a WORLD-CLASS Christian and a WORDLY Christian. WORDLY Christians look to God primarily for personal fulfillment. They are saved, but self-centered. In contrast, the WORLD-CLASS Christian knows that they were saved to serve and made for a mission. They are eager to be used by God and excited about the great privilege that they are given.

I am praying to be a WORLD-CLASS Christian. I want to embrace every moment that God gives me to share Christ's message of hope to a world that desperately need Him!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chapter 37- Sharing Your Life Message

There are four parts to our life message:
Our Testimony- the story of how we began our relationship with Jesus
Our Life Lessons- Important lessons God has taught us
Our Godly Passions- What God shaped us to care about passionately
The Good News- sharing the message of salvation

To prepare to share our life message, it might be helpful to write down what your life was like before you met Jesus, how you realized you needed Him, how you committed your life to Him, and the difference it has made in your life.

We have an obligation to look for opportunities to share our "life message". This chapter gives so much information on how to prepare to witness and how to share the message of salvation. It's easy to relate to real-life troubles- so spend a little time reflecting on the following areas so that you are better prepared to move forward with your mission to witness.

How has God taught me from failure? poor economy? no money? pain, sorrow or depression? illness? disappointment? loss?

How have I learned from my family, church, relationships, children, and my critics?

What am I passionate about?

How else can I witness?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Chapter 36 - Made for a Mission

The constant theme of this book is that we all have a great purpose! The driving force of our purpose is our MISSION. Fulfilling your life mission on earth is an essential part of living for God's glory.

The Great Commission was given to every follower of Jesus (Matt. 28:19-20). It is a wonderful privilege that God has challenged us to do - go and impact our world for Christ. All of your God given gifts and talents are designed to help you. By living each day with God's mission in mind, we will impact people with the message of Christ's love and saving grace.

EVERYDAY we have to be PURPOSE driven for the great MISSION. For eternity's sake.