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Current Discussion based on "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Chapter 27- Defeating Temptation

Temptation will arise, you can count on it. Each of us have our own weaknesses or vulnerabilities that open the door for temptation. The ability to maintain willpower and to overcome temptation lies within each of us. Know that you have to means to thwart temptation.

Practicing the four biblical keys will help in your endeavors to defeat temptation. The first step is refocusing your attention. The book says that when you resist a thought you actually reinforce the thought thereby causing your desire to grow. But by actually accepting the thought and simply refocusing your attention onto something else you are able neutralize the appeal. The second step is to reveal your struggle to someone who will pray for you, encourage you and hold you accountable. The third step is to resist the devil by accepting God's salvation and using His Word as your weapon. Finally, we must realize our vulnerability. This means we must never let down our guard and above all, avoid putting ourselves in tempting situations.

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